Employee Assistance Program

As of January 1, 2019, all non-bargained FCAC-Member employees are covered under Northwestern Medicine’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Northwestern Medicine offers this free and completely confidential assistance program on topics to help you and your family members

The program offers support for personal concerns:
  • Marital, family and relationship issues
  • Stress, depression and anxiety
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Substance abuse
  • Health and Wellness
  • Grief, trauma and loss
  • Life transitions and changes
  • Financial and legal difficulties
  • Child or elder care needs
The program offers support for personal concerns:
  • Conflicts
  • Effective communication
  • Career skills
  • Career skills
  • Job burnout
  • Professional grief
To access the monthly seminar topic, click the button and enter a Company Code of “FCAC”

newsletters(view) (hide)

Northwestern Medicine’s Lifelines

Employee Assistance Program

Spring 2024

Employee Assistance Program

Winter 2024

Employee Assistance Program

Fall 2023

Employee Assistance Program

Summer 2023

Employee Assistance Program

Spring 2023

workplace posters(view) (hide)

Employee Assistance Program
June 2024
Wholesome Wellbeing
El bienestar saludable
Employee Assistance Program
May 2024
Caring for Your Mental Health
El cuidado de su salud mental
Employee Assistance Program
April 2024
Mindful Eating
Alimentación consciente
Employee Assistance Program
March 2024
A Pet in Life
Una mascota en la vida
Employee Assistance Program
February 2024
Become a Positive Influencer
Conviértase en un influenciador
Employee Assistance Program
January 2024
Feeling your Finances
Sentir sus finanzas
Employee Assistance Program
December 2023
Accepting Change
Aceptar el cambio
Employee Assistance Program
November 2023
Taking Care of the Caregiver
Cuidar a quienes cuidan
Employee Assistance Program
October 2023
Handling Challenging Situations
Cómo manejar situaciones retadoras
Employee Assistance Program
September 2023
Building Gratitude
Generar gratitud
Employee Assistance Program
August 2023
Money Pressures
Las presiones del dinero
Employee Assistance Program
July 2023
Am I a Good Parent?
¿Somos buenos padres?

online seminars(view) (hide)

Living Well 365 - Igniting Motivation for a Fulfilling Life

Realize strategies for self-care to improve physical health, nurture mental wellbeing, foster positive relationships, and adopt healthy habits.

Available June 18th

Balancing Act - Strategies for Mental Health

It is important to maintain a healthy and strong mind for overall wellbeing. Explore effective strategies to improve your mental health. Reach out, we can help.

Available May 21st

Food for Thought

Learn more about the connection between your plate and your physical health and uncover the keys to achieving a balanced diet that fuels your body with essential nutrients.

Available April 16th

Best (Furry) Friends

Explore the extraordinary connection we share with our animal companions. Connect with us to understand how pets can enhance your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Available March 19th

Positive Impact - Become the Influence

Learn the art of being a positive influencer and how to set an example of positivity, adaptability, and inspire those around you, whether at work, at home, or in your community.

Available February 20th

Money Matters - Navigating Emotions for Financial Wellbeing

Discover how emotions can influence spending, trigger procrastination in challenging decisions, and impact your long-term financial health.

Available January 16th

Making a Change

Change is inevitable, so it may be beneficial to learn how to embrace it. In this session, we will learn how to make a change for the better and learn practical tips on how to embrace the discomfort of change.

Available December 19th

Caring for the Caregiver

People who experience caregiver stress can be vulnerable to changes in their own health. In this session we will explore how to cope with caregiver stress while supporting our loved ones.

Available November 21st

Pause. Breathe. Resume

Mindfulness practice invites us to build active awareness of our thoughts, sensations, and emotions. In this session, we will learn how to notice our own thoughts and how we react to them.

Available October 17th

The Gratitude Habit

Starting a new habit can be transformative. Choosing gratitude can help improve your optimism and appreciation. This session will cover how to build a gratitude habit in our daily lives.

Available September 19th

Digging Deep

Managing or changing your financial habits can be difficult. In this session, we will explore how to have smart financial management and learn practical steps on getting out of financial ruts.

Available August 15th

Overcoming Parental Guilt

When faced with challenges, it’s common that we as parents may question if we are doing a good enough job. In this session, we will learn how to overcome parental guilt and continue to do your best.

Available July 18th